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Помогите с англ, пожалуйста, я не разбираюсь ( Here are some answers. Write the questions. Use Present Perfect.

саша Баева Знаток (293), закрыт 3 года назад
Here are some answers. Write the questions. Use Present Perfect.
1) ____________________________________________________________? Yes, they have. My friends saw that film at the cinema a week ago.
2) ____________________________________________________________ ? Yes, I have. I was in the USA last winter.
3) ____________________________________________________________ ? Yes, we have. We swam in the ocean when we were in India.
4) ____________________________________________________________ ? Yes, she has. Lena wrote to her granny yesterday.
5) _____________________________________________________________ ? Yes, he has. Ron took his dog out in the morning.
Лучший ответ
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (349067) 3 года назад
1) Have they seen this film yet? Yes, they have. My friends saw that film at the cinema a week ago.
2) Have you ever been to the USA? Yes, I have. I was in the USA last winter.
3) Have you ever swum in the ocean? Yes, we have. We swam in the ocean when we were in India.
4) Has Lena written to her Granny yet? Yes, she has. Lena wrote to her granny yesterday.
5) Has Ron taken his dog out? Yes, he has. Ron took his dog out in the morning.
Остальные ответы
Лида Высший разум (112449) 3 года назад
Here are some answers. Write the questions. Use Present Perfect.
1) Have your friends seen this film? Yes, they have. My friends saw that film at the cinema a week ago.
2) Have you been to the USA? Yes, I have. I was in the USA last winter.
3) Have you swum in the ocean?.Yes, we have. We swam in the ocean when we were in India.
4) Has Lena written to her granny? Yes, she has. Lena wrote to her granny yesterday.
5) Has Ron taken his dog out in the morning.? Yes, he has. Ron took his dog out in the morning.
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