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Rewrite the sentences into reported speech. помогите пожалуйста

Алена Кляр Ученик (55), закрыт 1 год назад
Lilly asked Joan “Have you ever travelled to a foreign country?”

Mum told her “Don’t be late for lunch.”

James and Sam said “We can go skydiving this weekend”

Lee said “Andrew took up trekking last year .”

Sandy said “My friends will begin whitewater rafting lessons next year.”

Judy told me «I am going on a roller coaster ride tomorrow.”
Лучший ответ
Маил Мамишев Высший разум (101119) 1 год назад
Lilly asked Joan if he had ever traveled to another country.

Mom told her not to be late for lunch.

James and Sam said they could skydive that weekend.

Lee said that Andrew took up trekking in a previous year.

Sandy said that her friends would start rafting lessons next year.

Judy told me that she was going to ride the rollercoaster the next day.
Остальные ответы
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (153069) 1 год назад
Lee said “Andrew took up trekking last year .” =Lee said Andrew had taken trekking the previous year.
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