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Английский язык 10 класс Помогите решить задание где нужно составить текст про праздник

Maxim Polyanin Знаток (345), закрыт 1 год назад
Work in groups of two and perfom a dialogue using the following questions.
What do you know...(New Year, Christmas etc)...(the United States ets)?
When is Christmas celebrated in Russia and in the UK? Do you know why?
How do you celebrate...(St Valentine's Day, New Year etc)?
Do you belive in any superstitions?
Лучший ответ
Jason Satou Знаток (471) 1 год назад
Group 1:
Person 1: What do you know about Christmas in the United States?
Person 2: Well, I know that it's a big holiday there. People decorate their houses with lights and have Christmas trees inside. They also exchange gifts and have big family dinners.
Person 1: That sounds nice. When is Christmas celebrated in Russia and the UK? Do you know why?
Person 2: In Russia, Christmas is celebrated on January 7th because the Russian Orthodox Church uses the Julian calendar instead of the Gregorian calendar. In the UK, it's celebrated on December 25th like in most other countries.
Person 1: Interesting. How do you celebrate New Year?
Person 2: In my family, we usually have a big dinner with friends and family and watch fireworks at midnight. We also make resolutions for the new year.
Person 1: That sounds like a lot of fun. Do you believe in any superstitions?
Person 2: Not really, but I know some people believe that if you eat 12 grapes at midnight on New Year's Eve, you'll have good luck for the next 12 months.

Group 2:
Person 1: What do you know about St Valentine's Day?
Person 2: It's a day to celebrate love and romance. People often exchange cards, chocolates, and flowers with their significant other.
Person 1: That's sweet. How do you celebrate it?
Person 2: My boyfriend and I usually go out to dinner or do something special together. We also exchange gifts and write each other love letters.
Person 1: Aww, that sounds lovely. What about superstitions? Do you believe in any?
Person 2: I don't really believe in them, but I've heard that if you see a shooting star on Valentine's Day, it means you'll find true love soon.
Person 1: That's a nice thought. What do you know about New Year's celebrations in other countries?
Person 2: Well, in Spain they eat 12 grapes at midnight for good luck, and in Japan they have a tradition of cleaning their houses before the new year to get rid of any bad luck from the past year.
Person 1: Wow, I never knew that. Thanks for sharing!

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