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Английский язык 10-11класс

Sakura Ученик (68), на голосовании 7 месяцев назад
Talk about your flat/house using the following prompts.
1 live... (in the centre of Moscoro).
My flat is on the ... floor of a...storey block
of flats.
It has (all) modern conveniences....
It is a..-roomed flat with a. (living room
My favourite room is a ...
It is... (large, cosy etc).
The wall/wallpaper colour is.
The furniture there is.. (modern, stylish etc).
It includes... (a round table etc).
I like/dislike rearranging the furniture.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Abratov Мастер (1199) 8 месяцев назад
I live in the centre of Moscow. My flat is on the seventh floor of a ten-storey block of flats. It has all modern conveniences, including central heating and high-speed internet. It is a three-roomed flat with a spacious living room. My favourite room is the study, which is cozy and well-lit. The wall colour is a soothing shade of light blue, and the wallpaper has a subtle floral pattern. The furniture there is a mix of modern and vintage pieces, giving it a unique and stylish look. It includes a sleek wooden desk and a comfortable armchair for reading. I particularly enjoy rearranging the furniture to create a fresh and inspiring atmosphere.
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