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Английский 6 класс. Помогите пожалуйста

13 лет Знаток (348), на голосовании 4 месяца назад
Task 2 (10 points).

Read the sentences and fill in the gaps with the words from the following list: watch, proud, scissors, sand toy, jealous, anxious, chess board, dictionary, disappointed, curious.
When you feel worried, you are _______________.
I wear my _____________ to know the time whenever I need.
You can use my _____________ to cut out this ad from the newspaper.
When you want to know or learn about something, you are ________________.
My little sister always takes her favourite ________ ________ to play in the sand when we go to the beach.
When you feel unhappy because someone or something wasn’t as good as you hoped, you feel _______________.
Do you know where the _________ _________ is? I want to play chess.
You can use a _____________ to translate the unknown words during the test.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Joseph Гений (65041) 5 месяцев назад
Read the sentences and fill in the gaps with the words from the following list: watch, proud, scissors, sand toy, jealous, anxious, chess board, dictionary, disappointed, curious.
When you feel worried, you are anxious.
I wear my watch to know the time whenever I need it.
You can use my scissors to cut out this ad from the newspaper.
When you want to know or learn about something, you are curious.
My little sister always takes her favourite sand toy to play in the sand when we go to the beach.
When you feel unhappy because someone or something wasn’t as good as you hoped, you feel disappointed.
Do you know where the chess board is? I want to play chess.
You can use a dictionary to translate the unknown words during the test.
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