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Timo 2 Ученик (228), закрыт 4 месяца назад
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или Present Simple
2. They (to talk) …………………… now. They (to talk) ……………….........every day.
3. He (to drink) ……….……… coffee now. He (to drink) ………..… coffee every morning.
4.She (to go) ……………… to school now. She (to go)................... to school every day.
5. ............. they.......................(to have) dinner now? ............ they always ………………
(to have) dinner at two o’clock?
6. What ............... she...................... (to write) now? What ............... she..........................
(to write) every evening?
7. What ................... he ................. (to do) now? What.................. he .............. (to do) every Sunday?
8. What ............. they...................(to eat) now? What ........... they usually................... (to eat) at dinner?
4. Поставьте глаголы в Present Continuous или Present Continuous.
1. In summer the sun (to shine)........ ............ .................. brightly.
2. We (to have) .... ............ .................. coffee every morning.
3. I like tea, but now I (to have)... ............ .................... coffee.
4. Mary (to play) ....... ............ ................ the piano every evening.
5. Where is John? - He (to play)..... ............ ................... the piano.
6. Our boys usually (to play)............. ............ .............. football in the yard.
7. Look! They (to play)....... ............ ................... football in the park.
8. My aunt (not /to make)............ ............ ....... cakes on Mondays, but she (to make)..... ........................... one now.
9. She is in the kitchen. She (to make)......... ............ ............. tea for us.
Лучший ответ
Сылдыс Шыырап Ученик (216) 4 месяца назад
2. They are talking now. They talk every day.
3. He is drinking coffee now. He drinks coffee every morning.
4. She is going to school now. She goes to school every day.
5. Are they having dinner now? Do they always have dinner at two o'clock?
6. What is she writing now? What does she write every evening?
7. What is he doing now? What does he do every Sunday?
8. What are they eating now? What do they usually eat at dinner?

1. In summer the sun shines brightly.
2. We have coffee every morning.
3. I like tea, but now I am having coffee.
4. Mary plays the piano every evening.
5. Where is John? - He is playing the piano.
6. Our boys usually play football in the yard.
7. Look! They are playing football in the park.
8. My aunt doesn't make cakes on Mondays, but she is making one now.
9. She is in the kitchen. She is making tea for us.вот пупсик если ты получишь два это не моя вина
Timo 2Ученик (228) 4 месяца назад
спасибо! теперь я иду гулять!
Остальные ответы
Максим Шатаев Мудрец (19730) 4 месяца назад
1. I'm resting now. I rest every day. 2. They are talking now. They talk every day. 3. He is drinking coffee now. He drinks coffee every morning. 4.She is going to school now. She goes to school every day. 5. Are they having dinner now? Do they always have dinner at two o’clock? 6. What is she writing now? What does she write every evening? 7. What is he doing now? What does he do every Sunday? 8. What are they eating now? What do they eat at dinner?
Матэ Перадзе Ученик (156) 4 месяца назад
2. They are talking now. They talk every day.
3. He is drinking coffee now. He drinks coffee every morning.
4. She is going to school now. She goes to school every day.
5. Are they having dinner now? Do they always have dinner at two o'clock?
6. What is she writing now? What does she write every evening?
7. What is he doing now? What does he do every Sunday?
8. What are they eating now? What do they usually eat at dinner?

1. In summer the sun shines brightly.
2. We have coffee every morning.
3. I like tea, but now I am having coffee.
4. Mary plays the piano every evening.
5. Where is John? - He is playing the piano.
6. Our boys usually play football in the yard.
7. Look! They are playing football in the park.
8. My aunt does not make cakes on Mondays, but she is making one now.
9. She is in the kitchen. She is making tea for us.
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