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Анастасия Нелюбина Ученик (176), открыт 3 недели назад
1. You activate the device by ___ a button.
a. to press
b. pressing
c. press
d. pressed
  1. – How do you activate the solar battery?
– By ___ it under an electric lamp.
a. placed
b. place
c.placing place

3. Satellites can ___ signals from TV stations.
a. to receive
b. be received
c. receiving
d. receive
  1. Sensors allow engineers ___ data.
a. be collected
b. collecting collect
d. collect
  1. Engineers are responsible for ___ all the equipment on the rig.
a. maintaining maintain maintained
  1. ___ time of the battery is 3.5 hours and talking time is 8 hours.
a. charge
b.charging charge
d. be charged

7.The software developer has checked the code for errors before ___ the update.
a. to release
b. being released
c. release
d. releasing
  1. The machine has failed. The damaged cylinder must not ___ in time.
  2. a. be replaced
  3. b. being replaced
  4. c. have been replaced
  5. d. have replaced
  6. A chemical engineer invents a process that can convert plastic waste into recyclable materials, thus ___ the environment.
  7. a. help
  8. b. helping
  9. c. helped
  10. d. to help
  11. In the era of mobile devices, the users’ everyday life is suggested ___ by the battery life.
  12. a. affect
  13. b. to be affected
  14. c. being affected
  15. d. affecting
  16. When ___ cells in parallel, developers also need to take care of initial mismatches.
  17. a. having used
  18. b. use
  19. c. being used
  20. d. using
  21. Rather than ___ contracts from separate parties, firms can use smart contacts.
  22. a. getting
  23. b. being got
  24. c. to get
  25. d. get
1 ответ
Mike Гуру (2557) 3 недели назад
I'd be happy with my friends with a new one of the world is a new one of the world is a new one of the world is a new one of the world SAX
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