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Английский язык, постановка вопросов разных типов на иностранном языке к тексту. Помогите!!!

Анко Данилычева Ученик (92), на голосовании 1 день назад
Составьте 8 вопросов разных типов к тексту на английском языке. постановка вопросов разных типов на иностранном языке к тексту (общий,
специальный, альтернативный, разделительный, вопрос к подлежащему,


Towering over the Black Hills of Dakota at 6000 feet above sea level can be seen the majestic and lifelike figures of four of America's greatest presidents. Gutzon Borglum spent fourteen years cutting these gigantic busts in Mount Rushmore as a lasting tribute to American leadership.

In 1927 Borglum began this monumental task when he was sixty years old, a time when most men are preparing for their retirement, and not for a lengthy project. Upon Borglum's death, his son continued the project, but he could not complete the project, because of financial problems.

Of the four presidents, George Washington's bust is the most prominent, looking as serious as we tend to think of him. He is called the Father of His Country, he was the first president of the United States, the commanding general of the victorious American army in the Revolutionary War. After his death he was praised by the Congress as «First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen».

Behind him is Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the U.S.A, the author of the Declaration of Independence. He is friendly looking. Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th president, is in the corner next to the last of the four, Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president, who proclaimed that all slaves were «forever free» and was called the Great Emancipator. He was an exceptionally active commander in chief of the army and the navy in the Civil War. His bust is least complete.

It is unbelievable that such a monumental masterpiece should sit in a now quiet area, once the scene of deadly battles between the Sioux Indians and the white man.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Улик Додиков Искусственный Интеллект (110526) 1 месяц назад
1. **Общий вопрос (General question):**
Did Gutzon Borglum begin the Mount Rushmore project when he was sixty years old?

2. **Специальный вопрос (Special question):**
Who continued the Mount Rushmore project after Gutzon Borglum's death?

3. **Альтернативный вопрос (Alternative question):**
Is George Washington's bust the most prominent on Mount Rushmore or is it Abraham Lincoln's?

4. **Разделительный вопрос (Tag question):**
Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence, wasn't he?

5. **Вопрос к подлежащему (Question to the subject):**
Who spent fourteen years cutting the gigantic busts in Mount Rushmore?

6. **Косвенный вопрос (Indirect question):**
Could you tell me why Borglum's son couldn't complete the Mount Rushmore project?

7. **Специальный вопрос (Special question):**
Which president on Mount Rushmore is known as the Great Emancipator?

8. **Общий вопрос (General question):**
Is Mount Rushmore located in the Black Hills of Dakota?
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