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Task 2. Define the type of semantic changes (lexico-semantic word-building):

Ажаргуль Зубарева Ученик (23), открыт 3 дня назад
1. not without doubt
2. I’ve told you hundred times!
3. marshal «a horse man» → “the highest military rank”
4. the White House - the Administrati
3 ответа
Суп с опилками Гуру (3138) 3 дня назад
А вдруг это ключ к цикаде
Chromatic Scale Искусственный Интеллект (151114) 3 дня назад
Here are the semantic changes for each phrase:

1. **not without doubt**
- **Type:** Litotes
- **Explanation:** This phrase uses a double negative to express a positive statement, implying that there is some doubt.

2. **I’ve told you hundred times!**
- **Type:** Hyperbole
- **Explanation:** This phrase exaggerates the number of times something has been said to emphasize the speaker's frustration or impatience.

3. **marshal «a horse man» → “the highest military rank”**
- **Type:** Semantic Shift (Broadening)
- **Explanation:** The term "marshal" originally referred to a horse keeper or caretaker but has broadened to denote the highest military rank.

4. **the White House - the Administration**
- **Type:** Metonymy
- **Explanation:** "The White House" is used as a metonymy for "the Administration," meaning it represents the people and activities within the executive branch of the U.S. government.

These types of semantic changes are commonly observed in the evolution of language, reflecting how meanings of words and phrases can shift over time due to various linguistic and social factors.
Ажаргуль ЗубареваУченик (23) 3 дня назад
the foot the mountain
Chromatic Scale Искусственный Интеллект (151114) Ажаргуль Зубарева, The phrase "the foot of the mountain" typically refers to the base or bottom part of a mountain. It can be classified as follows: - **Type**: Combination - **Reason**: This phrase is quite literal and transparent. The meaning can be easily deduced from the meanings of the individual words. "Foot" metaphorically means the base or bottom part, and "the mountain" refers to a large natural elevation. Therefore, "the foot of the mountain" clearly denotes the lower part of the mountain.
Ажаргуль ЗубареваУченик (23) 3 дня назад
  1. the foot the mountain
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