Василий Шамашов
1 месяц назад
1. to represent - обстоятельство цели, инф.
2. be well understood, to be obtained - часть составного глагольного модального сказуемого, инф.
3. Keeping - подлежащее, герунд.
4. To measure - обстоятельство цели, инф.
5. realize - часть составного глагольного модального сказуемого, инф.
1. A survey made to represent the configuration and details of the ground is called a
topographic survey.
2. The nature and magnitude of the errors in the surveyor`s work must be well understood if
good results are to be obtained
3. Keeping the field notes is of great importance.
4. To measure the distance to the nearest stars astronoms use the orbits of the earth around the
sun as a base.
5. One should realize from the beginning that the quality of his work largely depends upon his
field notes