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Лексика английский ОГЭ

Bo M Ученик (82), на голосовании 3 дня назад
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People spend hours talking on their mobile phones. There is an opinion that it may be ___________________(HARM) to their health, but it is difficult to know for sure. Some research shows that mobile phones may cause brain problems. On the other hand, some doctors say mobiles are not _____________(DANGER) at all.  No matter what doctors say, it’s just _____________________(POSSIBLE) to live without a mobile phone today. It has become a very _____________________(USE) device and people can’t do without it. It makes our life _________________(COMFORT) and saves time. People can get in touch with each other quickly. Mobile phones make ____________________(COMMUNICATE) easier.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Pavel Batov Мыслитель (5862) 1 месяц назад
спроси у нейросети ну че ты дурачок штоль?
VL0D Знаток (354) 1 месяц назад
Вот заполненный текст с правильными словами:

People spend hours talking on their mobile phones. There is an opinion that it may be **harmful** to their health, but it is difficult to know for sure. Some research shows that mobile phones may cause brain problems. On the other hand, some doctors say mobiles are not **dangerous** at all. No matter what doctors say, it’s just **impossible** to live without a mobile phone today. It has become a very **useful** device and people can’t do without it. It makes our life **comfortable** and saves time. People can get in touch with each other quickly. Mobile phones make **communication** easier.
Симка=) Гуру (3775) 1 месяц назад
harmful, dangerous, impossible, useful, comfortable, communication
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