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Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentence.

максим Матвеев Ученик (75), открыт 2 недели назад
Rosa walked into the kitchen. “Good morning,” she said in a ______ (cheerful,
cheerless) voice. “Oh, there you are,” said Mom _______(calmly, calmness). “Let
me ____(heater, reheat) some pancakes for you.”
No one said anything about Rosa’s birthday—not even Benny, her brother. Maybe
they forgot, thought Rosa with _______(sadly, sadness). She was ______(unsure,
surely) if she should say anything to them. ______(Suddenly, Suddenness) Benny
got up and ______( disappeared, reappeared). A few seconds later, he came back
with a small, wrapped box. Rosa took the box and ________(rewrapped,
unwrapped) it. She found a note that read, “Look in your bedroom.” Rosa ran to
her room. “Oh, my!” she said _____ (loudness, loudly). On her bed was a basket
with a puppy inside. Rosa picked him up ______(gently, gentleness). He started
licking her face right away. “What a ______(playful, replay) puppy!” said Rosa.
“He is the best birthday present I’ve ever had!”
1 ответ
Joseph Гений (69773) 2 недели назад
Rosa walked into the kitchen. “Good morning,” she said in a cheerful voice. “Oh, there you are,” said Mom calmly. “Let me reheat some pancakes for you.”
No one said anything about Rosa’s birthday—not even Benny, her brother. Maybe
they forgot, thought Rosa with sadness. She was unsure if she should say anything to them. Suddenly, Benny got up and disappeared. A few seconds later, he came back
with a small, wrapped box. Rosa took the box and unwrapped it. She found a note that read, “Look in your bedroom.” Rosa ran to her room. “Oh, my!” she said loudly. On her bed was a basket with a puppy inside. Rosa picked him up gently. He started licking her face right away. “What a playful puppy!” said Rosa.
“He is the best birthday present I’ve ever had!”
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