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Заблокировали аккаунт тик ток

Нет Знаток (281), открыт 3 недели назад
Hi there,

Thank you for contacting TikTok.

На каждую апиляцию отвечает одним и тем же текстом: Что делать?

We understand that you think your account might have been mistakenly suspended. Please update your App to the latest version and follow these instructions carefully.

If you are currently logged into your account,
1. Go to your profile page and click the three lines at the top, right hand corner of the page.
2. Select "Settings and privacy" and then "Report a problem"
3. Select "Account and profile" and then "Login"
4. Select "Suspended account" and tap to check if your account has been suspended.

If you are currently logged out of your account,
1. Please click the "Profile" tab at the bottom right corner of the page.
2. Then, please click the "?" icon at the top, right hand corner of the page.
3. Select "Suspended account" and tap to check if your account has been suspended.
1 ответ
toxic Мудрец (14827) 3 недели назад
Это бесполезно, поверь
НетЗнаток (281) 3 недели назад
Ну хочется то решить проблему, ну или понять причину блокировки
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