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Джахид Маликов Ученик (90), открыт 5 часов назад
: Прочитайте текст. Для каждого предложения А-Е выберите один правильный вариант ответа из трёх предложенных (1, 2 или 3). The Redwood Forest The Redwood Forest is a magical place that has the tallest trees on Earth. It is in northern California, in the USA. Giant redwood trees, or redwoods, grow there. Some of these trees are over 2,000 years old! These trees can grow over 100 metres tall, which is taller than a 30-storey building. People come from all over the world to visit the Redwood Forest. They walk there, look up at the big trees, and feel amazed by the wonders of nature. Northern California often gets forest fires that kill a lot of trees. However, the redwood trees have thick, reddish-brown bark that protects them from most forest fires. Redwoods grow near the ocean and get almost half of all the water they need through their leaves from thick fogs. The Redwood Forest is not only beautiful but also important for our planet. The trees help clean the air. They also provide homes for many animals and plants. Animals like deer, squirrels, and birds live [27.02, 11:11] Жду Лето..: comfortably in the Redwood Forest. The forest is also home to river and streams where fish swim and frogs hop. There are many volunteers who work in the Redwood Forest. They make sure that trails are safe for visitors, work as guides, and explain the importance of keeping this forest alive. There are also professional rangers who work in the Redwood National and State Parks. The monitor the health of the trees and make sure that visitors follow the rules. A. The Redwood Forest is ... 1) not real but from a magical fairy tale. 2) a real place where the biggest trees grow. 3) one of the seven wonders of the world. B. Some of the oldest redwood trees can be 1) 30 years old. 2) 100 years old.. 3) 2,000 years old. C. Which of the following is true? 1) Forest fires kill a lot of redwood trees. 2) Fog is good for the Redwood Forest. 3) Redwoods grow near tall buildings. D. Which of the following is NOT how redwoods help our planet? 1) Redwoods are good for building houses. 2) The Redwood Forest keeps the air clean. 3) It is a good place for animals to live in. E. Who makes sure visitors don't do anything bad in the Redwood Forest? 1) Other visitors. 2) Rangers. 3) Volunteers. Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими бу квами. A B C D E
2 ответа
LINK Мыслитель (5163) 5 часов назад
A. The Redwood Forest is ...
2) a real place where the biggest trees grow.

B. Some of the oldest redwood trees can be
3) 2,000 years old.

C. Which of the following is true?
2) Fog is good for the Redwood Forest.

D. Which of the following is NOT how redwoods help our planet?
1) Redwoods are good for building houses.

E. Who makes sure visitors don't do anything bad in the Redwood Forest?
2) Rangers.

A: 2
B: 3
C: 2
D: 1
E: 2
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