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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

Лена Гатилина Ученик (220), закрыт 14 лет назад
1 ...(see) that horror film last night?
2 I had just finished eating when Jonathan....(arrive).
3 When I went to Spain last year, I ...(not/fly) before.
4 It ...(rain) heavily and the wind was howling.
5 They ...(drive) for an hour before they realised they were going the wrong way.
6 He....(finish) his packing after Susan had left.
Лучший ответ
Mashanya Гений (79628) 14 лет назад
1 DID you SEE that horror film last night?
2 I had just finished eating when Jonathan ARRIVED.
3 When I went to Spain last year, I HADN'T FLOWN before.
4 It WAS RAINING heavily and the wind was howling.
5 They HAD BEEN DRIVING for an hour before they realised they were going the wrong way.
6 He FINISHED his packing after Susan had left.

PS Странный у вас выбор категории вопроса: -)
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