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Помогите с английским!!! Напишите на английском историю названия древней Руси

анар абдуллаев Профи (503), на голосовании 12 лет назад
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Анастасия Агафонова Профи (888) 12 лет назад
Russia - the name of the state and political education of the Eastern Slavs IX - XIII century. created the ancient Russian state. Then, the concept of "Rus" is not so much to the name of a people as to the designation of areas - lands and principalities. The term "Rus" is firmly entrenched in the north-eastern territories of the former Old Russian state and became the basis of the concept of "Russian". Already in the early 12th century. the term "Russian land" was defined as all Slavic tribes in Eastern Evropu.Po data 11-12 centuries., a part of the Russian land, except cities Kiev, Chernigov and Pereyaslavl included Toompea, Belgorod, Torchesk, Trepol, Boguslavl, Korsun, Kanev, Shumsky, Tihoml, Vygoshev, Gnoynitsa, Buzhsk. It was the age-old tribal territories glades, areas of northern and Radimichi probably included some land here and Ulichi vyatichey.V the early 13th century. the name of Russia, the Russian land began to be applied to the north-eastern lands the ancient Russian state: Rostov-Suzdal and Novgorod. After the Mongol conquest of 1237-41, the term "Rus" was fixed for the area, although in the monuments of 13-14 centuries. he meets with the value of a broader, having in mind all the lands of the eastern Slavs. Already in the 13th century and later, when the connection between different areas of Old Russian state is strongly weakened, and new names: White Russia, Little Russia, Black Russia, Chervonnaya Rus.Proishozhdenie word Rus, which gave name to one of the oldest states, is still being discussed and has number of science-based versions. One version says that Russia, - the name of the Viking tribe, from which came the ancient Russian princes (Rurik and Oleg the Wise). Another version suggests that the word "Rus" is of Slavic origin and means hollow, river bed depth, sup.
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