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англииийский!!! Напишите на английском историю названия древней Руси.

анар абдуллаев Профи (503), на голосовании 12 лет назад
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алёна шалёная Ученик (188) 12 лет назад
Russia - the historical name of lands of the Eastern Slavs.

For the first time used as a name in the text of the state of Russian-Byzantine treaty of 911, the earlier evidence dealing with the ethnonym Rus (Rus that is how the name of the people). According to legend, chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years," recorded in XI - early XII century, the name came from a tribe of Vikings - Russ designed Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes (Slovenia, Krivichi, Chud and all) in the year 862, apparently as an intermediary to resolve inter-tribal conflict.
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