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Нужно переделать в пассивный залог

Алина Курбатова Ученик (216), на голосовании 11 лет назад
1)They sent him well-written reports before the deadline.
2)Managers give orders and their subordinates carry these orders on.
3)They will send Nick to Moscow next week.
4)He gave the definitions of management in the 19th century.
5)Have they finished this meeting?
6)She is preparing the annual report.
7)They will build up customer loyalty by gaining their trust.
8)Many students have attended that lecture on Economics.
9)They always connect their main problem with competition.
10)She is holding a meeting in the next room.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Анжела Варенцева Знаток (369) 11 лет назад
примерно так
1)he was sent
well-written reports before the deadline
2)their subordinates are given orders by managers and orders are carried on by subordinates
.3)Nick will be sent to...
4)the definitions of management were given by him...
5)annual report is being prepared by ...
10)the meetinh is being held
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