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Напишите русские приметы на английском языке плиз (3 шт)

Алина Акбирова Ученик (104), закрыт 4 года назад
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Shero Shero Просветленный (33751) 4 года назад
1) There are very many signs and superstitions connected with mirrors. Not surprisingly, the mirrors have always been associated with something magical. For example, no one wants to accidentally break the mirror – according to legend it will lead to the seven years of misery or, according to other sources, to the seven disasters. If you happen to forget something at home, and you had to get back for it, be sure to look in the mirror before going out, or better yet, show out your tongue to yourself – that way you’ll avoid possible troubles and problems.
2) Another popular hero of superstitions and signs – salt. For example, spilling salt – this is to a quarrel. If someone has prepared salty food, then he (or she) is in love.
3) Russian are always very afraid of putting the ‘evil eye’, i.e. to bring misfortune in words or actions. For example, when someone pronounces aloud any undesirable event developments, then in order to avoid this others say him: ‘Knock on wood’ and ‘Spit’. In the last case, it is understood that the person will spit three times over his left shoulder. Thus we avert a disaster.
4) Are you going to a trip? First, do not plan leaving on Friday – the journey will not be successful. Put everything in order in the apartment beforehand, and just before the leaving you should have a sit. ‘Let’s sit before the road’ – Russians say, and everyone sit down – one on the sofa, and others on the bags. Being quiet for a while, suddenly someone remembers that he had forgotten something important. It’s a useful custom, is it not?
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