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Нужна помощь с английским, сочинение

Вадим Ковалёв Знаток (334), на голосовании 3 года назад
Составить сочинение 120-150 слов на тему 75-летие Победы в великой отчечественной войне, есть несколько пунктов: 1)где и почему люди празднуют
2)где твоя семья празднуют и что делают в этот момент
3)чтят ли люди защитников и почему
Дополнен 3 года назад
Можно и на русском, перевести проблем нет
Голосование за лучший ответ
λ Искусственный Интеллект (225210) 3 года назад
Ну там подправишь как надо
One for all, we will not stand for the price! ”These words will always have a high value of meaning. They were uttered in 1941, and for 75 years now we have been grateful and anxious about the people who gave us the most precious and priceless - this is a peaceful life .How scary to imagine what happened then, during the war years. But our grandfathers and great-grandfathers went against the enemy, they were not afraid of death. Sometimes they gave their lives to save their comrades. We are a happy generation - a generation of peace and kindness, so we must protect this world and the quiet, blue sky overhead.

The Great Patriotic War is the most terrible war in the history of mankind. It claimed more than 20 million lives. War is not just a story written in a book, it is a whole separate chapter in the annals of each family, it is a trace in the fate of everyone, which will not be erased by time. Nothing is forgotten, no one is forgotten.

In 2020, it will be 75 years since the end of the Great Patriotic War, and veterans can safely enjoy the peaceful sky, silence and comfort in the family. Of course, the memories will remain in their memory forever.

Their feat is priceless. May each of us be proud and remember those years, the mention of which we all have tears in our eyes. We must remember and thank everyone who gave us a bright future!
unixaix CATIAИскусственный Интеллект (247607) 3 года назад
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