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Депутатка России Ученик (143), закрыт 3 года назад
Вот текст:

"Что делает меня счастливым? Счастливым меня делают друзья, семья. Они всегда могут мне помочь. Меня делают счастливым компьютерные игры. Интернет помогает мне тогда, когда друзья перестают обращать на меня внимание. Счастливым меня делает музыка. Музыка - мой лучший друг. Под музыку можно мечтать, уходя из той скучной реальности, в которой мы живём.

Что делает меня грустным? Уход друзей. Мне не нравится, когда на меня не обращают внимания. Я начинаю чувствовать себя странно. Как будто я перестала существовать. Грустным меня делают неудачи. Каждый раз ошибаясь я думаю, что от меня все отвернутся. Грустным меня делает интернет. В интернете очень много негатива. Иногда можно устать от такого напора. Это все вещи, которые делают меня грустным."
Лучший ответ
Леди ♕ Лео ♕ Ясноокая ♕ Высший разум (2049309) 3 года назад
"What makes me happy? My friends and my family make me happy. They can always help me. Computer games make me happy, too. The Internet (staying online) helps me when my friends stop paying attention to me. Music makes me happy. Music is my best friend. With music, I can dream, quitting for a while the boring reality we live in.

What makes me sad? When my friends leave me. I hate being ignored. I start feeling strange as if I ceased to exist. Failure makes me sad. Every time I make a mistake, I think that everyone might give me up. The Internet makes me sad. There is a lot of negative things on the Internet. Sometimes you can get tired of such pressure. These all are the things that make me sad."
Остальные ответы
Вероника Денисова Мастер (1197) 3 года назад
"What makes me happy? My friends and family make me happy. They can always help me. Computer games make me happy. The Internet helps me when my friends stop paying attention to me. Music makes me happy. Music is my best friend. With music, you can dream, leaving the boring reality in which we live.

What makes me sad? Leaving friends. I don't like being ignored. I'm starting to feel weird. It was as if I had ceased to exist. Failure makes me sad. Every time I make a mistake, I think that everyone will turn away from me. The Internet makes me sad. There is a lot of negativity on the Internet. Sometimes you can get tired of such pressure. These are all the things that make me sad."
Федор Коновалов Знаток (273) 3 года назад
А вы разве не загрузили на ваш ноотбук переводчик?
Вы считаете я в место вас буду делать перевод?
Может вы еще и не замужем?
Егор Минникеев Ученик (144) 3 года назад
"What makes me happy? My friends and family make me happy. They can always help me. Computer games make me happy. The Internet helps me when my friends stop paying attention to me. Music makes me happy. Music is my best friend. With music, you can dream, leaving the boring reality in which we live.

What makes me sad? Leaving friends. I don't like being ignored. I'm starting to feel weird. It was as if I had ceased to exist. Failure makes me sad. Every time I make a mistake, I think that everyone will turn away from me. The Internet makes me sad. There is a lot of negativity on the Internet. Sometimes you can get tired of such pressure. These are all the things that make me sad."
КРАСНАЯ ТУФЕЛЬКА Искусственный Интеллект (150905) 3 года назад
"What makes me happy? My friends and family make me happy. They can always help me. Computer games make me happy. The Internet helps me when my friends stop paying attention to me. Music makes me happy. Music is my best friend. With music, you can dream, leaving the boring reality in which we live.

What makes me sad? Leaving friends. I don't like being ignored. I'm starting to feel weird. It was as if I had ceased to exist. Failure makes me sad. Every time I make a mistake, I think that everyone will turn away from me. The Internet makes me sad. There is a lot of negativity on the Internet. Sometimes you can get tired of such pressure. These are all the things that make me sad."
Kinder Surprise Новичок (0) 3 года назад
Google translate в помощь, скопировал, вставил и готово
Депутатка РоссииУченик (143) 3 года назад
Конечно, гугл переводчик ведь не ошибается никогда, да-да-да.
Kinder Surprise Новичок (0) Депутатка России, Ты думаешь тут тебе переводят лингвисты? Они через переводчик и скидывают тебе, так или иначе он совершенствуется
Капитан Очевидность Мудрец (13994) 3 года назад
What makes me happy? It's my buddies and family.
they'll always be able help me. The computer games make my happy. If dudes forgotten about me, Internet spend my free time.Listen the music my favorite hobby. The music can help my deep to sweet dreams.
❤️ ✌️ СТАТУЯ СВОБОДНА❤️ Высший разум (189136) 3 года назад
транслейт установите
и деньги на лидер
не нужно будет тратить
Дьявол Сатана Знаток (296) 3 года назад
"What makes me happy?" I have a good time with friends and family. They can always help me. I make computer games happy. The Internet helps me when my friends stop paying attention to me. Music makes me happy. Music is my best friend. You can dream of music, leaving the boring reality of our lives.

What makes me sad? I don't like being ignored when I'm away from friends. I started to feel strange, as if I no longer existed to let go of failure, I was very sad. Every time I make a mistake, I think everyone will turn their back on me. The internet makes me sad. There is a lot of negativity on the internet. Sometimes you get tired of the pressure. These are all things that make me sad.
General Знаток (258) 3 года назад
Для этого есть переводчик.

Ну а если вас и это не устраивает, то уж извините, не нужно было балду гонять на уроках английского, а внимательно изучать материал.

Всю жизнь делал перевод через переводчик, и претензий ко мне не было, кроме как объяснить значение некоторых слов.
Дриков Знаток (384) 3 года назад
"What makes me happy? My friends and family make me happy. They can always help me. Computer games make me happy. The Internet helps me when my friends stop paying attention to me. Music makes me happy. Music is my best friend. With music, you can dream, leaving the boring reality in which we live.

What makes me sad? Leaving friends. I don't like being ignored. I'm starting to feel weird. It was as if I had ceased to exist. Failure makes me sad. Every time I make a mistake, I think that everyone will turn away from me. The Internet makes me sad. There is a lot of negativity on the Internet. Sometimes you can get tired of such pressure. These are all the things that make me sad."
kirov-stand-master Ученик (171) 3 года назад
"What makes me happy? My friends and family make me happy. They can always help me. Computer games make me happy. The Internet helps me when my friends stop paying attention to me. Music makes me happy. Music is my best friend. With music, you can dream, leaving the boring reality in which we live.

What makes me sad? Leaving friends. I don't like being ignored. I'm starting to feel weird. It was as if I had ceased to exist. Failure makes me sad. Every time I make a mistake, I think that everyone will turn away from me. The Internet makes me sad. There is a lot of negativity on the Internet. Sometimes you can get tired of such pressure. These are all the things that make me sad."
Светлана Максимова Ученик (162) 2 года назад
Я бы не доверяла переводам в интернете, лучше обратиться к профессиональным переводчикам, тогда они вам точно все переведут правильно. Например, есть бюро переводов besttranslated, +380994006835
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