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Работа по Английскому языку

Алексей Кологривый Ученик (116), на голосовании 3 года назад
1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form.
1) Can you imagine what would happen if a dinosaur somehow __________ (survive)?
2) When Richard and Ian heard angry shouts, they__________ (glance) around the room to see where they were coming out.
3) The research team __________ (spot) something unusual in the area lately.
4) The strange creature disappeared before we managed to_________ (catch) a glimpse of it.
5) Rosie ______________(stare) at the beautiful rainbow as it she had never seen it before.
2. Choose the correct word.
1) Old castles are very popular sights/sightings in Britain.
2) Two fishermen reported sights/sightings of a strange ten-legged creature in the lake yesterday.
3) People thought it was a(n) extinct/mythical species of fish, until it was caught in 1938.
4) Annie loves books about dragons, giants and other extinct/mythical creatures.
3. Express the same in Russian.
1. glare
2. spot
3. stare
4. sharp hooks
5. mythical creature
6. snake-like head
7. report sightings
Голосование за лучший ответ
Лариса Батакова Мыслитель (5801) 3 года назад
1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form.
1) Can you imagine what would happen if a dinosaur somehow __had survived?
2) When Richard and Ian heard angry shouts, they glanced around the room to see where they were coming out.
3) The research team __________ has spotted something unusual in the area lately.
4) The strange creature disappeared before we managed to catch a glimpse of it.
5) Rosie ______________was staring at the beautiful rainbow as it she had never seen it before.
2. Choose the correct word.
1) Old castles are very popular sights in Britain.
2) Two fishermen reported sightings of a strange ten-legged creature in the lake yesterday.
3) People thought it was a mythical species of fish, until it was caught in 1938.
4) Annie loves books about dragons, giants and other extinct creatures.
3. Express the same in Russian.
1. glare - пялиться
2. spot - место, пятно, точка
3. stare -смотреть пристально
4. sharp hooks - острые крючки
5. mythical creature - мифическое существо
6. snake-like head - змееподобная голова
7. report sightings - сообщать о наблюдениях
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