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Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

Виолетта ким Ученик (104), на голосовании 1 год назад
Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:
1. I often meet this violinist here.
2. You go to the university every day.
3. I read English books every morning.
4. His sisters always give me books to read.
5. They often go there.
6. I usually read the newspaper at home.
7. They do their homework every day.
2. Измените предложения, заменяя местоимение I на she/he:
1. I work at school.
2. I go to the musical school every day.
3. I write many English exercises every day.
4. I study musical psychology.
5. I get much information from my teachers.
6. I don’t like pizza.
7. I usually watch TV in the evening.

3. Задайте общий вопрос к данным утверждениям:
1. The students read many books.
2. Mr. Brown speaks very fast.
3. My friend always gets good marks.
4. You sleep very much!
5. Children ask a lot of questions.
6. They know many French words.
7. My sister flies to the USA ever year.
Голосование за лучший ответ
- Знаток (454) 1 год назад
слишком много, вряд ли кто будет работать столько за полтора балла.
Joseph Гений (62643) 1 год назад
1. I don't often meet this violinist here. Do I often meet this violinist here?
2. You don't go to the university every day. Do you go to the university every day?
3. I don't read English books every morning. Do I read English books every morning?
4. His sisters don't always give me books to read. Do his sisters always give me books to read?
5. They don't often go there. Do they often go there?
6. I don't usually read the newspaper at home. Do I usually read the newspaper at home?
7. They don't do their homework every day. Do they do their homework every day?
2. Измените предложения, заменяя местоимение I на she/he:
1. She works at school.
2. He goes to the musical school every day.
3. She writes many English exercises every day.
4. She studies musical psychology.
5. He gets much information from my teachers.
6. He doesn’t like pizza.
7. She usually watches TV in the evening.

3. Задайте общий вопрос к данным утверждениям:
1. Do the students read many books?
2. Does Mr. Brown speak very fast?
3. Does my friend always get good marks?
4. Do you sleep very much?
5. Do children ask many questions?
6. Do they know many French words?
7. Does my sister fly to the USA ever year?
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