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Английский язык, Домашние задания

Руслан Щуров Ученик (83), на голосовании 10 месяцев назад
1) the head of state in the United kingdom is...
2) the king or queen must sign the laws but he or he never...
3) the king or queen only meets the Parlament...
4) The people elect...
5) The prime Minister and the monarch choose...
Голосование за лучший ответ
Эва Знаток (366) 11 месяцев назад
1) The head of state in the United Kingdom is the monarch.

2) The King or Queen must sign the laws, but he or she never makes political decisions.

3) The King or Queen only meets the Parliament during the State Opening of Parliament ceremony.

4) The people elect members of Parliament.

5) The Prime Minister and the monarch choose the members of the House of Lords.
Никита Элпидов Знаток (457) 11 месяцев назад
1) The head of state in the United Kingdom is the monarch (currently Queen Elizabeth II).
2) The king or queen must sign the laws but he or she never refuses to do so.
3) The king or queen only meets the Parliament for the State Opening of Parliament and other ceremonial occasions.
4) The people elect Members of Parliament to represent them in the House of Commons.
5) The Prime Minister and the monarch choose members of the government, including Cabinet ministers and other senior officials.
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