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Виктория Э Ученик (99), открыт 1 неделю назад
Most countries have a national police force which is controlled
by central Government. Britain has no national force. There is a
separate police force for each of 52 areas into which the country is
divided. Each force is controlled by a local police authority – a
committee of local county councilors and magistrates. The forces cooperate with each other when there is a serious crime.
In most countries the policemen carry guns. In Britain this is
unusual. Policemen do not carry firearms in their day-to-day work,
but there are special units that are trained to use guns. They are
called when there are terroristic incidents, armed robberies, etc.
These special units help the regular police force. The only policemen
who carry weapons every day are those who guard politicians and
diplomats, or special officers who patrol airports.
All members of the police must have a certain level of
academic qualifications at school. All of them also have a special
training practice. Like in the army, there are ranks in the police:
Chief Constable, Constable, Chief Inspector, Inspector, Sergeant, etc.
Women make up about 10 per cent of the police force.
Each police force has its own Criminal Investigation
Department (CID). Members of CID are detectives. They do not
wear uniforms.
Traffic wardens wear uniforms. Their job is to make sure that
drivers obey parking regulations.
The duties of the police are varied: they keep law and order,
control speeding and drunken driving, deal with lost property, arrest
criminals, etc.

- How does the organization of the British
police differ from other countries?
- How many areas is Great Britain divided
- In what situations do British policemen carry
- Who carries weapons in their day-to-day
- What ranks do they have in the British
- Do women work in the police?
- What does the abbreviation CID mean?
- Who works in the CID?
- What is the job of traffic warders?
- What are the duties of the police?
- What policemen wear uniforms?
3 ответа
Сдаю Егэ Гуру (2709) 1 неделю назад
How does the organization of the British police differ from other countries?
Most countries have a national police force controlled by the central government, but Britain has separate police forces for each of its 52 areas, controlled by local police authorities.

How many areas is Great Britain divided into?
Great Britain is divided into 52 areas, each with its own police force.

In what situations do British policemen carry guns?
British policemen do not carry firearms in their day-to-day work, but special units are called in for incidents like armed robberies or terrorism.

Who carries weapons in their day-to-day work?
The only policemen who carry weapons every day are those who guard politicians, diplomats, or special officers at airports.

What ranks do they have in the British police?
Ranks in the British police include chief constable, constable, chief inspector, inspector, sergeant, etc.

Do women work in the police?
Yes, women make up about 10 percent of the police force.

What does the abbreviation CID mean?
CID stands for Criminal Investigation Department.

Who works in the CID?
Members of the CID are detectives who do not wear uniforms.

What is the job of traffic wardens?
Traffic wardens wear uniforms and their job is to ensure that drivers obey parking regulations.

What are the duties of the police?
The duties of the police include keeping law and order, controlling speeding and drunken driving, dealing with lost property, and arresting criminals.

What policemen wear uniforms?
Traffic wardens and regular police officers wear uniforms.
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