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Мафаня Зайцева Ученик (197), на голосовании 1 месяц назад
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Не Кто Знаток (271) 2 месяца назад
1.Does good weather make me happy? Good weather don't make me happy.
2.Does irene help her mother? Irene don't help mother.
3.Do i take my dog out every morning? I don't take my dog every morning.
4.Does she prefer tea to coffe? She dosen't prefer tea to coffe.
5. Do students spend alot of money on books? Students don't spend alot of money on books
6. Does it takes long time become clever? It dosen't take long time become clever.
7.Do chinese like spaghetti? Chinese dont like spaghetti.
8.Do old people like to wear t-shorts and jeans? Old people dont like to wear t-shorts and jeans.
9. Does he goes on business trip every month? He dosent go on business trip every month.
10.Does it rain alot in autumn
Не КтоЗнаток (271) 2 месяца назад
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