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гуля лувсан Знаток (451), на голосовании 6 дней назад
Complete the sentences with the appropriate word combinations from the box.
Что нужно вставить:
(advanced in years, follow his father's footsteps, comes with practice, job applicants, made real progress, struggle for independence)
1. My teacher says that recently I ___in chemistry
2)All the were asked to___go to the office.
3)Gerald decided to ___and become a cartoonist.
4)The people who lived on the northern territories couldn't accept the new ruler and began their___
5)Teachers of English often say that so-called feeling of the language__
6. Although Mrs Harrison is rather_
she is in good physical form.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Keishy Morson Профи (644) 1 месяц назад
1- comes with practice
2- job applicants
3- made real progress
4- follow his father's footsteps
5- advanced in years
6- struggle for independence
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