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Пожалуйста испрвьте ошибки?

Ильгиза Юсупова Ученик (90), закрыт 14 лет назад
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Poverty - inability to support a certain comprehensible standard of living. Poverty is a condition at which pressing needs of the person exceed its possibilities for their satisfaction. In all countries there is a poverty. And in Russia there are poor people. I consider that it normally. Same a life. Poverty of Russia speaks many reasons. In the first it is wars which at us was much. It has considerably shaken economy of our country. Secondly misuse of resources of our country. Though our country and the greatest, but all territory cannot be used.Из-за a permafrost. It is disorder of the USSR has led to that that have ruined Russia and have sold. All per 1990 stole from the state all that is. I think that Russia the rich country to make very difficultly, even not probably. For this purpose it is necessary to change a brain of Russians. Nobody thinks of the country and does not wish to make good for our country. Then already precisely it will be possible to make Russia the rich country.
Лучший ответ
Павел Александрович Мастер (2047) 14 лет назад
Poverty - inability to support a certain conceivable standard of living. Poverty - a condition at which urgent needs of the person exceed its possibilities for the satisfaction. In all countries there is a poverty. And in Russia there are poor people. I believe that it usually. The same a life. Poverty of Russia tells many reasons. In the first it is wars which in us was very much. It has considerably stirred up economy of our country. Secondly misuse of resources of our country. Though our country and the biggest, but all territory cannot be used. Because of a permafrost. It is the disorder of the USSR, has led to it which have destroyed Russia and have sold. All in 1990 was stolen from the state by everything that. I think that Russia the rich country to do very difficultly, even not possibly. With that end in view it is necessary to change a brain of Russian. Nobody thinks of the country and does not wish to compensate for our country. Then will be already exact to make Russia the rich country probably.
Остальные ответы
Alexander Alenitsyn Высший разум (760116) 14 лет назад
Руслан Карымов неправ: ошибок много, например,

"Though our country and the greatest, but all territory cannot be used.Из-за a permafrost. "
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