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ooPASHAoo Мастер (1518), на голосовании 15 лет назад
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Im having a fantastic time visiting london. but first a fet worlds about my place for the airport at a quater to seven. I wanted to give you from london. I caught a plane from Kennedy airport. The flight was very good, and besides, it was very fast. I arrived in London at midnight. I had dinner on the plane and a few drinks. I also watched a feature film. You know I dont care for such films. They are usually boring. That one was. And besides, the screen was very small and the sound was very bad. I couldnt understand whoever was speakind, or what they were saving. I didnt watch it up to the end and read a book instead. It was an interesting novel about some unknown land. Wherever I go, as you know, I always take books with me. I am fond of reading but there are no libraries on planes or trains when you trave1! I mean you have to create a library for yourself!
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Инночка Мыслитель (5957) 15 лет назад
Im having a fantastic time visiting london. I caught a plane from Kennedy airport. The flight was very good and fast. I had dinner on the plane and a few drinks. I also watched a film. You know I dont care for such films. They are usually boring. And besides, the screen was very small and the sound was very bad. I didnt watch it up to the end and read a book instead. I am fond of reading, so I always take books with me.
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