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Английский язык, перевод предложений с указанием времени

Виктория Савенко Ученик (95), открыт 18 часов назад
Переведите на английский язык и написать время которое используется
1. Она много путешествует. Летом она ездила во Францию. Она уже вернулась в Москву.
2. Ты читал поэмы Байрона? - Да, мы читали их в прошлом году. - Тебе они нравятся?
3. Ты играешь на пианино? Послушай, Джон играет. Он всегда играет хорошо.
4. Когда мы были в Крыму, мы часами гуляли в горах.
5. Какую книгу ты сейчас читаешь? - Я не читаю книг, я люблю газеты и журналы.
6. Я не видел его в последнее время. - А я только что встретил его. Он шёл в библиотеку.
7. Ты часто ходишь в кино? - Нет, я не был в кино с лета.
8. Я купила это платье 3 года назад. Оно было очень дешёвое. Цены сейчас растут.
9. Тебе купить билеты в театр? - Нет, спасибо. Мама уже купила. Мы идём в театр завтра.
10. Ты будешь свободна сегодня вечером? - Нет, я встречаюсь со своей подругой в 7.
2 ответа
Рустам Абдрашитов Мыслитель (7239) 18 часов назад
## 1.
**Перевод:** She travels a lot. Last summer she went to France. She has already returned to Moscow.
- "travels" - Present Simple
- "went" - Past Simple
- "has returned" - Present Perfect

## 2.
**Перевод:** Have you read Byron's poems? - Yes, we read them last year. - Do you like them?
- "have read" - Present Perfect
- "read" - Past Simple
- "do like" - Present Simple

## 3.
**Перевод:** Do you play the piano? Listen, John is playing. He always plays well.
- "do play" - Present Simple
- "is playing" - Present Continuous
- "plays" - Present Simple

## 4.
**Перевод:** When we were in Crimea, we walked in the mountains for hours.
- "were" - Past Simple
- "walked" - Past Simple

## 5.
**Перевод:** What book are you reading now? - I am not reading books; I like newspapers and magazines.
- "are reading" - Present Continuous
- "am not reading" - Present Continuous

## 6.
**Перевод:** I haven't seen him lately. - I just met him. He was going to the library.
- "haven't seen" - Present Perfect
- "met" - Past Simple
- "was going" - Past Continuous

## 7.
**Перевод:** Do you often go to the cinema? - No, I haven't been to the cinema since summer.
- "do go" - Present Simple
- "haven't been" - Present Perfect

## 8.
**Перевод:** I bought this dress three years ago. It was very cheap. Prices are rising now.
- "bought" - Past Simple
- "was" - Past Simple
- "are rising" - Present Continuous

## 9.
**Перевод:** Should I buy tickets to the theater? - No, thank you. Mom has already bought them. We are going to the theater tomorrow.
- "should buy" - Modal verb (Present)
- "has bought" - Present Perfect
- "are going" - Present Continuous

## 10.
**Перевод:** Will you be free this evening? - No, I am meeting my friend at 7.
- "will be" - Future Simple
- "am meeting" - Present Continuous
Гуру (4440) 18 часов назад
Ботяра, откисай
Гуру (4440) 18 часов назад
1. She travels a lot. She went to France this summer. She has already returned to Moscow.
(Used tenses: Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect)

2. Have you read Byron's poems? - Yes, we read them last year. - Do you like them?
(Used tenses: Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Simple)

3. Do you play the piano? Listen, John is playing. He always plays well.
(Used tenses: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Simple)

4. When we were in Crimea, we walked in the mountains for hours.
(Used tense: Past Simple)

5. What book are you reading now? - I’m not reading books, I like newspapers and magazines.
(Used tenses: Present Continuous, Present Simple)

6. I haven’t seen him recently. - But I just met him. He was going to the library.
(Used tenses: Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous)

7. Do you often go to the cinema? - No, I haven’t been to the cinema since summer.
(Used tenses: Present Simple, Present Perfect)

8. I bought this dress 3 years ago. It was very cheap. Prices are rising now.
(Used tenses: Past Simple, Present Continuous)

9. Should I buy tickets to the theater for you? - No, thanks. Mom has already bought them. We are going to the theater tomorrow.
(Used tenses: Modal verb, Present Perfect, Present Continuous)

10. Will you be free tonight? - No, I am meeting my friend at 7.
(Used tenses: Future Simple, Present Continuous)
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