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АНГЛИЙССКИЙ язык 8 класс

Katya Mil Ученик (22), на голосовании 2 дня назад
Голосование за лучший ответ
Сапрей Мудрец (11758) 1 месяц назад
3* steal →stole
find → found
give → gave
know → knew
walk → walked
leave → left

4* 1)Where did you go last Friday?
I went shopping and I bought a new T-shirt.
2)Which film did she see last night?
She saw Dark Knight, but she didn't like it very much
3)Who did you meet at the cafe?
I met my friends and we had dinned together
4)What did your friends drink there?
Paul drank orange juice , but Diana didn't have a drink

5* a) What were Paul and Diana doing at seven o’clock yesterday evening?
They were sitting in a restaurant.
b) Who was you talking to when I saw you yesterday morning?
I was not not talking to anybody.
с) Why was he using his computer last night?
He was playing games.
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