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Сергей Фазтдинов Ученик (117), на голосовании 3 месяца назад
For a period of many millennia man's inquisitive mind strove to pene¬trate into the deapth of the Universe. This expresses man's unquenchable thirst for knowledge, his strive to understand his role in the world.
By flying into space man is directly penetrating into a new sphere which involves frequently unpredictable discoveries. Scientists are greatly interest¬ed in space exploration because today physics, chemistry, biology, astrono¬my need new data, which can not be found on the Earth.
In 1957 the Soviet Union successfully launched the world's first satel¬lite, Sputnic I. The first manned spaceship «Vostok», piloted by Jury Gaga¬rin was launched in the Soviet Union on April 12, 1961. It ushered in a new era in the history of mankind. This feat set in the motion other events that led to the landing by the USA two first astronauts on the Moon in 1969 and to a number of other space exploration efforts by other countries, including joint flights in which international crews participated.
The year 1975 saw a successful experiment flight of Soviet and American spaceships.
The most fantastic projects have become a reality. Since the first space flight cosmonauts have orbited the Earth, walked out into the space, trans¬ferred from one space station to another. All this became possible due to achievements of cybernetics, automation and other branches of science.
The world interest in outer space has grown steadily with advance of space technology. It has been unanimously recognized that use of outer space should be carried out for the good of science and for the benefit of all the states and no weapons of mass distinction should be placed in the orbit around the Earth or stationed in space. Outer space should be used only for peaceful purposes.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Роман Малькин Ученик (165) 4 месяца назад
### Общие вопросы:
1. Какое историческое событие открыло новую эру в истории человечества в контексте освоения космоса?
2. Какие принципы использования внешнего космического пространства были единогласно признаны интернациональным сообществом?

### Специальные вопросы:
1. Какие конкретные научные области нуждаются в новых данный, которые нельзя найти на Земле, согласно тексту?
2. Какие первые космические достижения были отмечены советскими учеными?
3. Какие факторы позволили космонавтам выполнять космические миссии, такие как орбитирование вокруг Земли, выходы в открытый космос, переходы с одной космической станции на другую, согласно тексту?
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